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5 Supermarket foods you thought were toxic to pets

Supermarket aisle

The internet is rife with information about what foods are and aren't safe for pets. To put your mind at ease, here are five commonly misunderstood foods that are actually safe for your dog.

1. Eggs and the Shell

Eggs are a valuable source of nutrition for pets, rich in Vitamin A, B5/12, Selenium, and Vitamin D. They can be fed raw or cooked, and some dogs even enjoy the shell when it's blitzed in a blender.

2. Human Meat

In Australia, raw and cooked meat is generally safe for dogs. However, it's essential to ensure the meat is fresh and not left out for extended periods.

3. Avocado

Contrary to popular belief, avocado, including the seed, is not toxic to dogs.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms that are safe for human consumption are also safe for dogs. Lightly cooking them can help your dog absorb their beneficial nutrients.

5. Garlic


Another misunderstood food, garlic has numerous nutritional benefits. One clove per 15kg body weight is incredibly safe for dogs. For more information on the benefits of garlic, check out this related article.


A dog wearing a ghost costume sitting next to a jack-o'-lantern

Halloween Pet Costumes

Halloween is a time for spooky decorations and creative costumes, even for our furry friends. However, dressing up pets can add stress to their lives, particularly dogs, who may find the unfamiliar clothing uncomfortable. Recognising signs of stress, like panting or avoidance, is crucial. As responsible pet parents, we implore you to consider the alternatives to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween for every member of your family.
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